Cleaning and restoration of machinery and equipment. Aggregates suspended particles in recycled water. Necessary when in waste water the values exceed the limits allowed by law. Restores the conditions for the maintenance in perfect condition of all equipment.
Download Technical Data SheetMachinery maintenance.
Machinery, Equipment.
Tank of 5 Lts/Kgs
Tank of 25 Lts/Kgs.
• Acid-based descaling detergent for washing and descaling machinery used for marble processing
• Does not deteriorate steel parts and painted parts and does not trigger oxidation and corrosion processes on small mechanisms
• To be used for machinery such as polishing machines,
milling machines, roller conveyors, etc...
• We recommend at least two treatments per month
to better preserve the machinery
Ready to use product.
Manual cleaning: pour M7.85 in a plastic nebulizer and spraying
the parts to be cleansed. Let it react for 5-10 minutes and rinse.
Cleaning with high pressure washer: pour M7.85 in reservoir of
high pressure washer and spraying low pressure the partes to be
cleansed. Let it react for 5-10 minutes and rinse.