Anti-acid treatment with finiture polished for artefact to calcium-based . Professional use. Studied for applicators (trattators, levigators). Creates an invisible film that separates the surface from the direct contact with acidic and stains agents not allowing to the stone to absorbing any substance.
Calcium-based stones with finitures polished/semi-polished
Coverings, Kitchen countertops, Bathroom countertops, Tables, Furnishings.
• Solvent based
• Product for surfaces with finishes polished, semi-polished
• Professional use, no home use
• Studied for applicators (trattators, levigators)
• Sale only in kit
• Kit composed from products and accessories for the cleaning before-treatment and anti-acid product with accessories for the application
• Creates an invisible film that separates the surface from the direct contact with acidic and stains agents not allowing to the stone to absorbing any substance
• Examples of acidic substances: lemon, soft drink, fruit juices, vinegar, aggressive soaps, perfume, household chemicals, etc...
• Examples of stains substances: water, grease, oil, wine, coffee, ketchup, etc...
• It does not turn yellow over time and resistant to UV rays
Working at a temperature of not less than 10 oC. Protect the perimeter areas with nylon sheets and paper so as to prevent products from coming into contact with the furniture. Surface preparation: Pour C1.EPOXY onto the surface. Let it react for few seconds. Clean with paper cloth. If the surface is mirror polished, it is recommended to prepare it, for greater adhesion of the product, with a grain type 1,000-1,500 exerting a slight pressure. Nebulize C1.08 GO uniformly onto the surface and clean with sponge. Dry with the microfibre cloth and heat gun. Anti-acid product preparation: Shake both bottles very well before use them. Pour a small amount (50/60 gr) of PROTECT MARBLE-P into the bottle of SOLVENT PM-P. Close and mix well. Pour the entire contenut of SOLVENT PM-P bottle into the PROTECT MARBLE-P bottle. Close the bottle that containing both parts with the trigger spray cap. Mix the two products united shaking this bottle very well. Now the product is ready. Use it immediatly only on surface perfectly clean and dust-free. We suggest to clean well the roller before the use with helping of an adhesive paper/film (like scotch). Nebulize uniformly and abundantly for weting well all surface. Immediately after, roll it out with the roller making cross coats exerting a slight pressure. After the spread it there will be some bubbles. Position yourself at a distance of 10/15 cm with the heat gun. In few minutes these bubbles will disappear. The product will be out-dust in 15/20 minutes and ready for its function after 24/36 hours. If after these last hours will be present some points of dust or imperfections rub by hand the abrasive disc supplied wet, with very little water. Check to the touch that these impurities have disappeared.
Apply at an ambient temperature between 10°C - 20°C. Keep out of reach of children. Do not disperse into the environment. Before use, consult the safety data sheet and label, in which risks and safety are highlighted for the correct use of personal protective equipment. All information contained in this page is based on information we believe to be reliable; however, not knowing the conditions of the materials treated and the way you use the product, ITALIAN XS declines all responsibility about The suitability of the material for each particular application. Store the product in the original containers and hermetically closed. Store the product at a temperature between 5° C - 20° C. If stored as indicated above, the product has a shelf life of 12 months. It is advisable to carry out preventive tests on small areas as our responsibility is limited at the cost of the product. No liability for damage caused by negligence or misuse of the product.